Focus on learning by doing
One of the objectives of the Training Centre at Odense Waste Management has established at Odense Environmental Centre is to assist others develop skills that are leading to an efficient and sustainable way of handling solid waste.
Being one of the largest and most modern environmentallly safe landfills in Northern Europe, Odense Environmental Center forms the perfect venue when it comes to modern techniques within sanitary landfilling as well as sludge composting.
Our training approach is based on mixing theory with a lot of practice.
Sharing our experience
We willingly share our experience from many years of operating a modern sanitary landfill. Further we take pride in showing our various solid waste treatment and recycling activities, and not least we would be glad to share our recipes of composting sewage sludge together with straw and cuttings from parks and gardens transforming it into a nutrient bio compost. Finally, a visit to the closed Stige Island landfill may also be of interest to take a look at our initiatives here, such as the landscape aftercare, the system for monitoring, collection and treatment of leachate, and the gas extraction and energy production system.
Tailormade training programmes
If you need support or advice in connection with e.g. establishing a new landfill or a solid waste treatment facility we would be glad to assist you in providing training courses at our Training Centre or elsewhere.
Read more about our course in biomass-composting.
International Capacity Building Cooperation
Odense Waste Management Company and its Training Centre is ready to offer the educational materials and training skills it has developed in new similar projects for foreign colleagues, either at the Training Centre in Odense or elsewhere as advisors in planning, development and execution of training activities or providing operational support. This might comprise e.g.:
- Waste management planning and operational support
- Advice during the tender-procedure
- Assistance in supervision and commissioning of machinery and equipment
- Development of complete O&M manuals
- Excecution of a two-week training course at Odense Waste Management Company's Training Centre, situated at the Environmental Centre.
- Support to operational control of e.g. composting process during start-up of new facilities
Exchanging know-how on solid waste
A new idea is being developed and turning into a concept, covering a kind of "exchange-relationship" between like-minded solid waste and waste water management companies or authorities with the aim of exchanging know-how among colleagues across borders.
Please take contact to us if any of these may catch your interest.