International projects

Here you can see some of the international projects, which Odense Waste Management participates in and where we share our knowledge.

We want to share our valuable expertise and knowledge by participating in many different international projects.


2003-05: Cooperation with two polish municipalities, Koszalin and Slupsk, concerning design of a composting plant.


2005-06: Knowledge and expertise in establishing a composting plan in Kuchin, Sarawak Malaysia.


2005-07: Sub-consultants to COWI Consulting Engineers and Planners, in a project for improved solid waste management in El Fashn City and Beni Suef in Egypt.


2008-09: Sub-consultants to COWI Consulting Engineers and Planners in the DANIDA assisted support to the Solid Waste Management and Public Cleansing Corporation, Ministry of Housing and Local Government; Malaysia.


2010: Support with international experience in collection, treatment and recycling of solid waste as well as other projects in Bobruisk, Belarus


2011: Visit from Georgie and Ghana


2012: Project in Vietnam as well as trip to Georgie with a donation of 2000 waste bins


2013: Visit from Vietnam, conference Bobruisk, Belarus. Donation of 1600 waste bins as well as used work wear to Rustavl, Georgie.


2014: Visit from Japan, China, Brazil and Indonesia.


2015: Visit to Ukraine. Visit from students from Ohio State University and mayors from China.


2016: Visit from the Kenyan Ministry of Environment in cooperation with the Danish Ministry of Environment. Two visits from China.


2017: Visit from Australia – a private company wanted to get more knowledge about waste in Denmark. Visits from Indonesia and Croatia. Visit from the Kenyan Ministry of Environment.


2018: Visit from Accra, Ghana. Visit from Kazakhstan and Russia. Visit from Bosnia-Herzegovina. Consultant to a project in Indonesia (in cooperation with the Danish Ministry of Environment. Visit from Funabashi, Japan.


2019: Workshop with a delegation from Kenya. Visit from the Indonesian Ministry of Environment. Workshop with a delegation from Ghana. Visit from a delegation from China. Visit from Kenya and Indonesia.


2020: Projects with Indonesia and Kenya.


2021: Visit to Serbia: consultants regarding circular economy and waste planning. Web-conference with a municipality in Tunisia. Bosnia-Herzegovina: donation of waste bins and waste trucks. Visit from Kenya and Indonesia concerning waste planning in general. Visit from Iceland concerning waste planning and collection of more types of waste. Web conference with Avfall Sweden about establishing Zirkel and our work on circular economy. Visit from America.


2022: Online knowledge sharing concept with representatives from Indonesia. Visit from 30 parliamentarians from Kenya. Visit from Serbia and Croatia concerning waste collection and circular economy. Visit to Bergen and the city’s waste vacuum system – knowledge sharing about the systems in Bergen and Odense. Visit from Israel concerning underground waste solutions.