Tradition and transformation
Take a tour through appr. 140 years of waste handling in Odense.
1882 is the year we were first mentioned in the city protocol.
"Night men" collected night-renovation - the toilet barrel - on horse wagons and the content was spread in the fields as nutrition.
10 lorries were bought to replace the horses
Barrels made of zink were used for waste collection
Paper bags replced the zink barrels
The city dump at Stige Island was established
Recycling household collection starts - grey bins for incinerable waste and green bins for bottles, paper and cardboard.
8 manned recycling stations opens, and 13 unmanned container spots were gradually closed down
Bring banks for glass, paper and cardboard replaces the green bin at the household.
Red box for hazardous waste delivered to all households
Odense Environmental Centre opens - named Odense City Dump at that time.
Stige Island Dump is closed and methan gass retrieved from the waste
The incineration plant at Funen Works, Fynsværket, opens, and waste is turned into energy instead of being landfilled
Electronic equipment is collected at households
Recycling station for smaller interprises opens at Havnegade
ISO 14001-certification attained
The first green report is produced
Bring banks are shut down and replaced with partly paper bins at each household and bottle bins in central spots in the city
A sorting facility opens with A/S Marius Pedersen,
First certified environmental report according to the EMAS-standard
Mobil vacuum and central vacuum system becomes an alternativ way of collecing waste at places with high density
OHSAS 18.001 working environment certification
Household collection of batteries on the lid of the paper bin starts
125 anniversary
Pilot projekt on the harbour is initiated, testing alternative waste collection methods
Underground waste collection solution tested at a city center - Ove Sprogøes Plads
Pilot project testing pros and cons of collecting plastik, metal and glass at the household
City council desides to start establishing a central vaccum system facility collecting waste from household at high dencity area in city centre.
The first waste lorry with electricy driven hydraulik is bought
Great amounts of gas is discovered in the shredder waste at Odense Environmental Centre and initiatives to collect the gas starts
Cardboard can be collected at households within the paper bin.
Digital self service platform "" is initiated
The central vacuum system facility is established and pipe lines are layed and the waste terminal centre is build at Enggade in the city centre.
Pilot project with household collection of paper, cardboard, metal, plastic, glass, food waste and incinerable household waste is initiated and lasts for 1 year.